One Page at a Time.

one page, one story, one life.

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In the next few days….

I posted today that I have joined the #Trust 30 which is a Writer’s Prompt initiative:

I plan, over the next few days, maybe 2 weeks, to catch up with the six prompts that I missed. I see that a few of those who began participating after the start date are doing the same; like Elizabeth at I Face the Sun, here on WordPress, seems to be doing.

I appreciate the thought provoking prompts, and I believe I am going to enjoy the community building that seems to be built in!

So…in an attempt to catch up…and to write more, here goes the catch up; in random order, as I am inspired and or find them…

This was Trust 30’s #2 Prompt:

Today by Liz Danzico

Your genuine action will explain itself, and will explain your other genuine actions. Your conformity explains nothing. The force of character is cumulative. – Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

If ‘the voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tacks,’ then it is more genuine to be present today than to recount yesterdays. How would you describe today using only one sentence? Tell today’s sentence to one other person. Repeat each day.

(Author: Liz Danzico)


A Yellowing Canvas

This is the day the Lord has made…I will rejoice and be glad in it. ~ Psalm 118:24

This is the sentence of the day, and most days, for me. It works on both the good, and the not so good, of my days.

I have a saying, that quite frankly drives my love mad: “Happiness is a personal choice! Choose it!” And this morning, like some mornings, I had to choose it.

No!  Happiness did not greet me this morning with a steaming, rich cup of coffee! I had to get up on this damp, dank Jersey Shore morning and hit the GO! button on the machine, all by myself. Thus beginning my day and the task of waking up  the  “Anti-Morning”  love of my life.

And I hear in my head….this is the morning the Lord has made…

and I say…I will rejoice in it.

That rejoicing consisted of petting my dachshunds, as they happily greeted the groggy, where is the coffee me. Calling out lovingly (a choice) to my hubby, that it was time to get up. Opening my yogurt while I booted the lap top and began to read my devotional e-mails…

I rejoice each morning by choosing to spend quality time with God, during the “Good Morning Wake Up” hour, here in Hutchland…and for the most part I am Glad in it.

I enjoy a good life, regardless of how I may greet and spend each day, with blessings abundant.

Thinking Positive On Purpose sets a certain tone to one’s day to day living. It causes one to see that life does what life does, yet we can, we must CHOOSE to enjoy the experiences, the good and the challenging, for what we gain in them, moment to moment.

One sentence today…This is the day the Lord has made…I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!

Blessings Loves ♥


Trust 30…I found a new writing prompt!

Ralph Waldo Emerson, ca. 1857

Image via Wikipedia

Good Morning Loves.

I’ve started or joined a few things this morning…

First, I’ve joined the Trust30 community that I was introduced to through a friend’s blog that I follow here

 #Trust30 is an online initiative and 30-day writing challenge that encourages you to look within and trust yourself. Use this as an opportunity to reflect on your now, and to create direction for your future. 30 prompts from inspiring thought-leaders will guide you on your writing journey. Sign up below to receive the prompts by email. If you like this pledge, check out reverb10, it’s inspiring.

Secondly…I’ve set up a BlogFrog Community. Check out the link on the right sidebar, it looks fun!

Now to Day 7 of #TRUST 30…

Day 7 #Trust 30 Writing Challenge

Dare to be bold …by Matt Cheuvront

Our arts, our occupations, our marriages, our religion, we have not
chosen, but society has chosen for us. We are parlour soldiers. We shun the
rugged battle of fate, where strength is born. –
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today, let’s take a step away from rational thought and dare to be bold.
What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to accomplish but have been afraid to
pursue? Write it down. Also write down the obstacles in your way of reaching
your goal. Finally, write down a tangible plan to overcome each obstacle.

The only thing left is to, you know, actually go make it happen. What are you
waiting for?

(Author: Matt Cheuvront)

♥•*¨*•☼•*¨*•♥ ♥•*¨*•☼•*¨*•♥ ♥•*¨*•☼•*¨*•♥

Welcome to “Fear of Success 101″

What is the one thing, BOLD thing, I have always wanted to accomplish, and been afraid to pursue????

Uhhhhh….becoming a REAL Writer

My fears…not necessarily in this order…

1. am i good enough?

2. am i interesting enough?

3. what if I succeed????

It is the “what if” more than the “am I’s” that stops me in my tracks! If I succeed it would radically change my way of life. It would add to my vast list of responsibility. I might have to meet deadlines! I might have to meet people.

I Might be a SUCCESS!!!

 Do I really want this????

For as long as I can remember I have wanted, no I was compelled to write. Put down on that crisp white, college ruled note paper (no such thing as PC’s when I began this dream) my life, my experiences, my thoughts, my fears and dreams…ALL of it…for ALL to read.

Can I really do this?

I blog, regularly, sans writers block. I write, or I should say, I have written for for the most modest of incomes.

I have been complemented…my blogs and articles have STATS…

IF I AM HONEST…my only obsticle is myself…my FEAR that I would succeed. And OH! the unknown future that holds. I am afraid I must admit that on many a day that paralyzes me! And yet…I find that sad. How is it I can reassure a friend that they should BOLDLY pursue a dream, while simultaneously being frozen by my own???


A tangible plan to overcome this…fear…

Is already in motion.

I blog…I write…inspired by those I follow. Inspired by writing prompts like #Trust30…GypsyMama and others…

I write and chronicle and blog and journal and read and seek….

I Write.

And one day….I will accept that I am a WRITER, not just profess it…


Blessings Loves ♥