One Page at a Time.

one page, one story, one life.

Afraid to Do…#Trust 30 on Few Words Thursday!


Let My Words Be Few...

If you’ve read my blog this week you know that I have joined the #Trust 30 Challenge that was inspired by Emerson’s 208th birthday, The Domino Project is republishing a work of art that’s especially relevant today. Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson urges readers to trust their intuition rather than conforming to the will of the majority.
This Thursday…and probably the remaining Thursdays in the month of June…maybe July, as I backtrack to the days I missed, I will be combining my FWT posts with my
contributions. So as usual FWT has minimal rules…which can be found when you follow the link connected to the picture. You can also follow the Trust 30 button to participate in this provocative writing prompts. I hope you’ll join us. I would love to share this space with you!
Now this prompt actually belongs to yesterday…however, I never received it in the e-mail so I am writing it now…these Trust 30 prompts are NOT easy…and some of them will probe in the hidden places of a soul. Like this one:

The other terror that scares us from self-trust is our consistency; a reverence for our past act or word, because the eyes of others have no other data for computing our orbit than our past acts, and we are loath to disappoint them. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson says: “Always do what you are afraid to do.”

What is ‘too scary’ to write about? Try doing it now.

(Author: Mary Jaksch)


She was afraid. Afraid to tell…He said they wouldn’t believe a little kid. He threatened to blame it on her. He confused her. He loved her, treated her nice when mom and grandma were around, but then…

He changed. He got scary. He hurt her…He hurt the baby…


This is the scary stuff that one day I will write about. But…what is scary now, is he was right! He was right…they didn’t believe the little girl (s); there were 4. He was right, they didn’t believe the angry teenagers, there were 4.  Worse, the mother didn’t help until her youngest girl was a full-blown alcoholic adult and demanded that she confront him (her brother!). Leaving the oldest girl more bitter and angry, at 30 something, than she had been prior, because when she asked her mother to believe her she didn’t. She accused and berated, she didn’t help.

What is scary to this day is that the mother of 2 of the 4 still harbors her brother. Still demands that her daughters respect…

What is scary is the rage, the wrath, that is born in such pain and betrayal. What is scary is that one lives and learns to love with this barbed wire wrapped around ones heart. What is too scary to write down, right now, is the realization that children continue to live and endure what  I …this little kid endured, growing up learning love wrong.

What’s too scary to do is write down the acts performed, that caused the work to get to the place of wholeness that  I …that little girl, now woman, enjoys today. It’s scary because of the pain it will cause…Him, Mother and so many others.

Is it really that important to document this process to wholeness??

Yes, I believe it is…so I strive to get past the fear…and put down the words that will help heal a little kid…

Blessings Loves

Few Words Partners: Join us! We would love to share this space with you. 🙂

Please go and visit HOLLY @  , my faithful FWTH partner, and show her some love!

Author: Hopeannfaith

Welcome, I'm Andrea ... HOPEannFAITH ... I write and take pictures as a way of expression. These are gifts given by a loving and indulgent Father, to a headstrong and stubborn daughter, with much to say. A semi-retired social worker/secretary, I now call myself a writer. I've published one internet article and written many blog posts. However, publishing does not make one a writer, anymore than taking a box camera to the park makes one a photographer. What makes one who and what they are? Well God for one ... formed me before the foundations of this world (Psalm 139); and many, many years after putting away my passion for wordsmithing and picture taking He gave it back ... in droves. I am a culmination of my choices and experiences. It is here that my experiences color the world in print and color. It is my goal to reach just one soul a day with love ... encouragement ... understanding or just letting that soul know that they are not alone where they are today. This is about creating ~ all of it. Creating a HOLY and SACRED place where the ugly truth can be healed and the beauty of a moment or a tear can brighten a day for the experience. Why HOPEannFAITH? Hopeannfaith is my inner child, and she is maturing, as she should have done all along. She is learning all about how Faith fulfills Hope. She is learning how to live. HOPEannFAITH ~ the wonder twins all wrapped up in one, me. These are my Journey Journals ~ written and visual. I welcome your company. I welcome your friendships. My Journey is in the light ~ although I have and will share the shadowy corners and the dark ~ so you know that you are never alone there. If we hold hands in the dark, and we walk, side by side, through the shadow, we will reach the Light together. In relationship with one another and with the Light. Blessings.

4 thoughts on “Afraid to Do…#Trust 30 on Few Words Thursday!

  1. Pingback: Afraid to Do/Personal Message « Sanjay’s Blog

  2. Pingback: Social Initiatives: #30DaysOfCreativity and #Trust30 | The Art of Collecting Yourself

  3. Hello, kiddies! It is Thursday and time for the FWT prompt. If you would like to join us, please do. Just click on Andrea’s beautiful picture and add it to your post and send it to her comments box.
    This week, the prompt is: What is too scary to write about?
    Well, I have several things i am afraid of. My whole life is defined by fear-I have lived in fear for a long time. In my house, I learned to fear, fear making a mistake-those were bad and not easily forgivable. I fear doing something wrong or making someone mad. I hate it when people get mad at me. I feel terrified they are going to leave me. My biggest fear is being abandoned and when someone is mad at me, I feel like they think I am the worst person in the world and will leave me. I even hate it when strangers get mad at me. I’m not sure why, Maybe one day I’ll figure it out.
    Let My Words Be Few…

  4. Pingback: Trust30: “Fear” (Confronting Myself) | I Face the Sun

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